What does TBC and TBD stand for?

TBC and TBD are acronyms that stand for To Be Confirmed / Discussed. TBA is used in the same way.

TBC, TBD and TBA Acronyms

What does TBC mean?

TBC means “To be confirmed“. It is used to describe an item that is not yet certain or is being developed.

What does TBD mean?

TBD means “To be decided” or “To be discussed“. It is used to describe something that is not yet certain or is being created.

What does TBA mean?

TBA means “To be announced“. It is used to describe an item that is being decided or agreed, and sometimes something that is secret or “pre launch”.

Use of TBC, TBD and TBA Internationally

TBC is often used in the UK for the same purposes as TBA and TBD. TBD and TBA are used more commonly in the USA and internationally.

Using TBC, TBD and TBA in your work

When writing business documentation, authors will often use “TBC” or “TBD” or “TBA” on diagrams and reports for details they are not yet sure about.

They will first present a number of decided and certain items with complete details, and then item(s) which they are not yet sure about: TBC!

This example of a portfolio roadmap uses TBC here.

See more information here about TBC, TBD and TBA on wikipedia.

Idioma : Deutsch (German)


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