Your documents for sale
We cannot verify every document submitted for either intellectual ownership or functionality so we are relying on you to be honest. Not just with us but with your fellow members.
You agree to meet these conditions
- Only sell your own property: By putting any template on SPITMARKET, you are guaranteeing that YOU own the intellectual property of that template and that there are NO restrictions either known or suspected which would prevent you from selling or sharing that template. For a guide as to how you can tell if you do own the rights, look here.
- Remove any sensitive data: Please bear in mind that sensitive data (pricing, company accounts, structure, future strategy etc) should NEVER appear in your templates. If that company is listed on any financial market where shares are traded, it becomes quite a serious issue with regulators and government authorities. Basic rule of thumb is that if it is in the public domain already (via official channels) you may include. If not, delete!
- Do not use macros: DO NOT USE MACROS, or anything else which could cause users concerns or even damage of their equipment.
- Adhere to SPITMARKET Member Code of Conduct: By submitting an application to become a Member, and by offering your digital products on SPITMARKET, you agree to follow our SPITMARKET Member Code of Conduct at all time.
- Treat SPITMARKET visitors well: We operate a policy of 100% customer satisfaction, and what that means is that if a buyer is not happy and wants a refund we will always provide it. We have found that from experience 99.9% of folk are honest and decent and refund rates run at less than 0.01% of all sales but on the odd occasion the request is made, we will gain feedback as to why then process the refund. We will always communicate directly with you on the rare occasion this happens.
- Allow the SPITMARKET team to help you: We may get in touch with you to help you optimize your products and editorial. Please be open to our contributions and feedback – we want you to do as well as possible, and want to help you do this!
- Help your customers when they need it: When any assistance is required by one of your customers (before or after sales), you promise to assist if it relates to any aspect of your digital product(s).
For commission levels of GBP 1,000 or more per month, we will transfer to your PayPal balance monthly, at the end of the calendar month.
For commission levels below GBP 1,000 per month, we will transfer to your PayPal every 3 months.
Please do not think it’s a one-way street – see our buyers terms here; We aim to protect your intellectual property at all times.