Using the Conversion Funnel to Optimise Your Digital Product

Understanding your conversion funnel will help you optimise both your product and your marketing content. Even before your users start to arrive, you can use the steps in the funnel listed below to think about your content, and to optimise it.

What is a Conversion Funnel?

A “Conversion Funnel” describes a series of steps that guide your customer on a journey towards a goal.

At each step in a conversion funnel, only a percentage of target customers will make it to the next step.

For our purposes here on SPITMARKET, the end goal is for your customer to buy your digital product and love it.

How you optimise your content for each step will affect what percentage make it through from the start through to this ultimate goal, and thus how much revenue you make.

The SPITMARKET digital product conversion funnel

Your job is to make sure your target customers stay in the funnel and get all the way to your ultimate goal.

In order to increase your chances of making sales, you should optimise your content for each step in the conversion funnel.

The steps that you should think about for the conversion funnel on SPITMARKET are as follows:

Step 1 – Your target customer develops a “need”.

Spend some time thinking about your target customer and theirneed“.

Fill out this “Target Customer Template” with an example customer in mind:

[Name] wants to [job to be done] within [circumstances] in a way that makes them feel [insight / feeling / meaning]

Then you will more easily be able to target your customer with your product, and your sales editorial content.

Step 2 – They search for something that will meet their need.

The ticket here is to target the search phrase you believe most likely to be used by someone who needs YOUR particular product.

What is the question they will ask the Search Engine?

This is hard in itself, but it helps just thinking about it, to steer you in the right direction¹.


  • Go niche.
  • Find a popular term, and specialise it with your niche focus.
  • Target the most specific question you think appropriate in the title, and narrow it to your specific niche.
  • Use a long title (up to 80 characters) that explains that you solve the need, as well as

Do not:

  • Go generic. Using single, common words or terms will fail to reach your target customer because there is too much competition.
  • Use misleading terms.

Optimisation task: Target your product title to meet your niche’s likely search phrases.

How might you fail at this stage: You use a product title that will not answer their need or their search question.

Step 3 – They click on your item in the search results.

The search engine has presented your user with a selection of results matching their search criteria.

Why will they click on yours?

The content that they can see is your title, and a snippet from your first paragraph, or a paragraph from your content that matches their search.

Do: Use editorial that supports your product title with clear evidence..

Do not: Use ALL CAPS, or exclamation marks.

Optimisation task: In your first paragraph of sales content (on your product page), ensure that you answer the “need”.

How might you fail at this stage: They click on someone else’s product/page in the search results.

Step 4 – They read your content.

The arrive at your page.

What is the first impression you want to land?

You must continue to think about solving that need from Step 1.


  • Bear in mind they are short on time – you need to persuade them that your product meets their need efficiently.
  • Use editorial that supports your product title with clear evidence.
  • Explain how it has been used before, successfully.
  • Be honest about what you and other people have found challenging when using your approach.

Do not:

  • Use ALL CAPS, or copious exclamation marks.
  • Use long paragraphs.

Optimisation task: In your first paragraph of sales content (on your product page), ensure that you answer the “need”.

How might you fail at this stage: They do not like their first impression and “bounce” out. Or, in balance decide after reading your content that it is not the product for them.

Step 5 – They decide to buy your product.


You do not need to worry now, SPITMARKET will get the product to them.

Step 6 – They are satisfied with your product.

You’ve come this far, and the product has been purchased and delivered.

This step is essential to think about, because if you fail here, they will request a refund and will be disappointed.

Do: Think about the first impressions when they open your product after downloading. Welcome them. Provide assistance in the product.

Do not: Ignore requests for customer service 🙁

Get in touch

If any of this doesn’t make sense, or you need more info, please contact us – we’re striving to improve our approach!!

¹ You can use tools like Google Trends to find popular search terms, but the strength of the SPITMARKET approach is that you hit niche customers, and enterprise-level tools only pick up fairly strong signals. Have a go with Google Trends just to get a feel for your subject area, and what people are searching.